Careers Update – Future Fridays

Last week students were split again on the vote.
KS5 voted to hear more about being an Software Engineer and KS3 and KS4 voted to hear more about being an: Astronomer. 

Software Engineer:
Annual Salary- £24,000-£70,000 (Average salary recorded in 2019 was £30,378)
Future Employment – Growth of 3.3% by 2027
Current Working Situation – South East has 57,629 people working in this job second to London that has 70,997


Annual Salary- £15,609-£60,000 (Average salary recorded in 2019 was £30,378)
Future Employment – Growth of 3.3% by 2027
Current Working Situation – South East has 5,118  people working in this job second to London that has 6,155
If any parent/ carer works in these sectors (or any that I mention on Future Fridays) please do get in touch as these are the careers that our students vote on and want to hear more about.


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