Diversity, Equality & Inclusion @MGGS

Since the beginning of the academic year and the election, by their peers, to the respective roles of Diversity Ambassadors and Student Council representatives, we have been busy discussing, organising events and getting student voice to determine our foci for the year.

The Student Council 

  • delivered a presentation in year group assemblies on the role of the Student Council, why students should apply and the role within the school community
  • is gathering ideas on what would benefit the school: the representatives want to raise awareness about hygiene and use this as an opportunity to fundraise for the hygiene bank whilst also improving the facilities in school
  • is preparing a tutor time activity on ‘conflict resolution’ and raising awareness on anti-bullying practices to help their peers with friendship issues
  • helped to relaunch the way we support charities, raising awareness, funds & collecting items on their behalf 
  • starting with Maidstone Homeless Care & food Bank, a charity started by one of MGGS’ former Deputy Head 


The Diversity Ambassadors 

  • are sharing responsibilities for the next events in our calendar 
  • helped to support the Winter fair which saw a range of diverse performances
  • helped to deliver a whole school assembly on visible & hidden disabilities 
  • are planning to relaunch the Student Forum and gathering views on what students want to talk about
  • are helping me and Mr White to plan the upcoming INSET Day on 9th February: various CPD sessions on diversity & inclusion:
  • specific to our school community
  • with input from our own students focusing on
  • language
  • race 
  • gender identity/LGBTQ
  • disability (visible & hidden)

I enjoy working alongside these wonderful students, supported by Mr Wilson and Mr Belver, to provide a meaningful student voice and to help improve the school environment and our students’ experience. If you get the chance to speak with them please congratulate them – they are the true embodiment of the school Non Sibi Sed Omnibus!

Mrs N. Lawrence – Assistant Headteacher KS3