MGGS – Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful

This week a group of students from MGGS took part in a community mural painting workshop, led by a local street artist Graham Upton and the Maidstone Borough Council.

The students learnt and explored a range of creative spray painting techniques which they applied to the final mural piece, leaving their own unique mark for everyone to see.  Community murals are a way of expression for artists and take a centre stage at bringing people together to celebrate the heritage and diversity of the local areas they are in.  Prior to painting the mural, students participated in a design workshop and brainstormed ideas for murals that helped create a vibrant neighbourhood that people feel proud to visit, live in and take care of. 

Well done to the students involved, the final piece looks very eye-catching and the feedback received from the public on the day was very positive.  Student names: Rebecca W, Bethan D, Jessica T, Gaya L, Sarah P, Kaelyne A, Nifemi O, Mia F, Eva I, Megan N, Estelle N and Louise D.

Next time you are on or passing by the Buckland High-Rise Bridge, don’t forget to slow down and admire the new mural on display.

MGGS - Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful 2    Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful - our mggs students

Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful   

mggs Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful  MGGS - Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful by our students

MGGS students Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful  Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful - mggs students

MGGS - Making our Neighbourhood Beautiful