Contact Us

We value communication with our parents, external agencies and friends of the school

Report a Bullying Concern

If you have a bullying concern please report it and a member of the safeguarding team will contact you. If you need urgent support or you are at risk contact 999.
Report a Bullying Concern

Report a Safeguarding Concern

If you have a safeguarding concern please report it and a member of the safeguarding team will contact you. If you need urgent support or you are at risk contact 999.
Report a Safeguarding Concern

These forms can only be used by current MGGS students, staff and governors. Wider members of the school community should email any concerns that they may have to or

To contact the MGGS community please use the details on this page. Please note we allow three working days for responses to emails or telephone calls.

Teaching staff, in particular, do not have access to emails whilst teaching, and we are privileged that so many of our staff run activities for our students both at lunchtime and after school. Hence, it is important to allow all staff sufficient time to read and respond to emails.

In common with other publicly-funded organisations, such as the NHS and Police, MGGS expects that all members of its community are treated with courtesy and respect. The school has a zero-tolerance approach to any individual who behaves aggressively towards members of staff or students, or who uses vulgar or inappropriate language. In situations where such behaviours or language are exhibited – whether in person or via telephonic or electronic media – the school or its representative will terminate the conversation/meeting and, if appropriate, will ask the individual concerned to leave the school site until such time as s/he is able to conduct her/himself appropriately. Should any individual not accede to such a request, other authorities, including but not limited to the Police, may be contacted.

Parents/carers wishing to meet with a member of staff should telephone the school office to arrange a meeting. At least 72 hours’ notice is required. Parents/carers should not expect a member of staff to be able to see them if they arrive in reception and ask to see a member of staff immediately. In such instances, parents/carers will be politely reminded of the need to make an appointment and will be given the email address to allow them to do so.

Contact Details

  • Maidstone Grammar School for Girls
    Buckland Road
    Kent ME16 0SF

  • 01622 752 103

  • 01622 681 947

School Opening Hours

The school day starts at 08:40 and finishes at 15.30.

The school office is open on weekdays from 7:45am to 4:30pm (4pm on Friday) during term time. A restricted service is available throughout the school holidays. Outside of office hours please leave a message on the voicemail system and someone will get back to you within 5 working days.

Attendance & Absence Enquiries

To inform the school of your daughter’s/son’s absence through illness or for medical appointments please use Edulink to inform us or email

Reporting Chromebook Issues

If your daughter is having issues with her Chromebook please fill in the form here.

Finance Enquiries

For any finance-related enquiries and invoices please email

For Trips and Visits enquiries please email

EduLink Support

For help and support regarding EduLink please email including details of the issue, your full name, your son/daughter’s full name and form group.

General Enquiries

    We aim to respond to all enquiries within 5 working days.

    Key Contacts

    Senior Leadership Team

    Miss D Stanley

    Mr N Walker
    Deputy Headteacher

    Mr B White
    Assistant Headteacher

    Mrs N Lawrence
    Assistant Headteacher KS3

    Miss L Shimmin
    Assistant Headteacher KS4

    Mr C Green
    Assistant Headteacher KS5

    Miss L Morris
    Assistant Headteacher Inclusion

    Mrs A Swift
    School Business Manager

    Heads of Study

    Mrs K Ryan
    Year 7

    Mrs N Raja
    Year 8

    Mrs D Harrison
    Year 9

    Mrs H Shave
    Year 10

    Mr L Thomas
    Year 11

    Miss R Mulvihill
    Year 12

    Mrs A Sindall
    Year 13

    Heads of Faculty

    Miss K Calvert

    Mrs B Kaur

    Mrs S Bassett


    Heads of Department

    Mrs K Jenkins – Art

    Mrs A Holder Biology

    Mrs M Tait – Chemistry

    Mrs A Jebagnanam – Computing

    Mrs A Price – Design Technology

    Miss A Stanley – Drama

    Miss B Egan – Geography

    Mrs T Athawes – History

    Mr B Chapman – Music

    Mrs K Robbins – PE

    Dr R Apps – Physics

    Mr R Wilson – Religious Education

    Ms L Williams – Social Sciences

    How to Find us…