Supporting Students with SEND and Medical Needs

We offer a supportive learning environment for our students who may have special educational needs or a disability

Our Aims

Our aim is for every student to be happy at MGGS and to achieve their full potential. We offer a supportive learning environment for our students who may have special educational needs or a disability.

We work within the guidance provided in the SEND Code of Practice 2015, liaising regularly with parents/carers and other professionals as necessary to ensure that each student’s needs are met. We do this by:

  • Identifying, providing, reviewing and evaluating effectiveness of provisions for all students with SEND and medical needs to enable them to access the curriculum that is appropriate to their age group

  • Identifying the SEND and medical needs of students joining the school and planning appropriately for those students’ needs

  • Being alert to the needs of all students who may develop SEND, and to adapt to meet their needs

  • Operating a “whole student, whole school” approach to the management and provision of support for students with SEND and medical needs

  • Ensuring that staff are aware of the needs of students identified as having SEND and medical needs and providing relevant support and advice

  • Regular assessment of student progress

  • Building & maintaining a partnership with parents and students to ensure support is appropriate to individual needs in order for progress to be made

  • Working with external agencies to provide individualised strategies, resources and support.

Students of all abilities and ethnic backgrounds, as well as those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, achieve exceptionally well because suitable arrangements are in place to ensure that they follow programmes which are closely matched to their needs.


How are our students supported?

Students identified as SEN Support have an Individualised Provision Plan, which is reviewed regularly, as part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. A lot of students needs are met through Quality First Teaching. However, some students may require additional support outside of lessons and this may include support from:

  • Form tutor or subject teacher

  • Peer mentor

  • Learning Mentors and SEN Team

  • School counsellors

  • External agencies


A member of staff will visit all feeder primary schools in terms five and six to meet the students and their staff.

We also meet every student and their parents/carers for individual meetings in the summer term, and any additional needs can be discussed. This could include physical, learning, sensory or emotional needs. We like to know if English is an additional language (EAL) for students too.

Sometimes it is appropriate for prospective students to visit MGGS on more than one occasion in term six, or for a parent/carer transition meeting to take place, to enable a smooth transition at the beginning of Year 7.

All new students attend the Transition Day in term six, where they will get an introduction to school life at MGGS and also get opportunity to meet their new form group and their form tutor.

SENCo Contact

For any further information about our SEN provision please contact Miss A Heppeler – SENCo at

Related Pages

Pastoral Care
Transitioning to Year 7
Admissions Information
Sixth Form Admissions

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