A Level Exam Results

This year Maidstone Grammar School for Girls is pleased to report A level results that re-enforce Ofsted’s quote, “The ambition for pupils at Maidstone Girls Grammar School (MGGS) is limitless.”  

Congratulations go to all our students, and particular mentions go to the following students:

Holly Adams, A*A*A* – studying Biomedical Science at Cardiff University 

Charlie Collyer, A*AAA – studying Mechanical Engineering University of Exeter

Laura Flory – AAA – studying Physics at University of York

Amber Gooding, A*A*A – studying Human, Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge University

Fia Jacobs, A*A*A* – studying Medicine at University of Leicester

Snigdha Darsi, A*A*A – studying Computer Science at University of Warwick 

Miss Stanley, Headteacher said, “Summer 2023 has seen our Year 13 students achieve some fantastic results, which is a result of their hard work and resilience especially over the last two years.  Our Year 13 students have demonstrated their commitment to their education.  I am so pleased for each and every student’s personal achievement and delighted with the overall achievement of the year group.”

We see a continued trend of results, enabling students to pursue their individual goals. They go on to pursue a wide range of pathways, including university study, apprenticeships and employment.