Careers Corner – Year 11 Kent Choices

Year 11 Kent Choices
Just a gentle reminder to Year 11 not to forget about your post 16 choices.  Please be mindful of deadlines that any schools may have in regards to applications and feel free to bring Chromebooks to the Careers Office if you need support with Kent Choices. 

You must be in some form of Education or Training after your GCSEs. 

For Year 9-Year 11 students who wish to see me please either book an appointment or pop by my office at the beginning of break or lunch time before 2pm.

Medic Student
An ex-student who is currently studying medicine at Cardiff University has offered to come and speak with any Year 10-Year 13 students who are interested in a future in this field. Please complete the form to show interest.

Check out this week’s Newsletter.

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