Careers Corner

Welcome back to school from Careers.

I will be posting all student opportunities and notices on a Friday onto the Careers Google Classrooms. I will add the codes to year group classrooms so could students check they have signed up?
If any Y11 or Y13 students want appointments please sign up as soon as possible as time goes very fast in these year groups and you need a Plan..and a Plan B!

Year 10 will be seeing me in assembly soon to reiterate the Work Experience programme but any questions in the meantime come and see me! 

Year 9 have the opportunity to sign up for a Confidence and Leadership workshop in Enrichment time in Term 4. I would strongly suggest this is considered as it will help students with their soft skills which are extremely important in the short term for Work Experience (Y10) and long term in the world of work.

In the Summer Holidays I received the following amazing feedback about two sixth form students who did Work Experience at a Wealth Management company.
‘I hosted Ekiuwa and Abuzar for work experience this week. I just wanted to take a moment to praise both students; their enthusiasm and professionalism were outstanding. I have no doubt that both will excel in their future. It was a genuine pleasure to have them in the office.’

Mrs Culbreth, Aspiration and Careers Lead

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