Civil Engineering Talk for Year 7 and 9 Students

Year 8 and Year 9 students had a unique opportunity to hear all about the exciting work of a Civil Engineer during their enrichment lessons this week. Melanie Fuller from the Environment Agency spoke all about her own career, including her pathway to becoming qualified, the kind of projects she works on, and the positives and negatives of being a Civil Engineer. Hopefully this opportunity has inspired the next generation of female engineers! Our thanks and appreciation go out to Melanie for taking the time to speak to students!

Civil Engineering Talk for Year 7 and 9 Students    Civil Engineering Talk for Year 7 and 9 Students_at_mggs

If you would like to offer a similar talk please contact our Careers and Higher Education Coordinator, Miss Hodges ( 

MGGS is keen to promote a range of careers and pathways to our students, and find that career talks are an excellent way to engage students. These can be virtual or in-person!