Computing Hub Update

2023 has been a big year for the Maidstone & Kent Computing Hub at MGGS. The school was reappointed as the regional curriculum hub for Computing by STEM Learning and the Department for Education in April and given additional responsibility as the regional coordinator of all computing hubs in the South East. Collectively, these hubs support teachers and schools from Kent to Hampshire, reaching over 2,300 schools! 

The hub’s role is to boost confidence and subject knowledge for teachers from early years and primary through to A level, and enable schools to enrich and encourage students to study Computing through all key stages. 

In 2023 we have:

Organised one multi academy trust conference 

Hosted two Lego for Education enrichment sessions

Loaned physical computing kits to 44 schools

Delivered 112 CPD courses 

Supported 232 schools in Kent and East Sussex

Trained 612 teachers and trainee teachers

We’re looking forward to delivering a full calendar of training and events in 2024 starting with the Aspiration Digital careers conference on 5th January. If you are a teacher and would like to take part in future Computing Hub events or training, contact Mrs Gall at