Head Students 2024-2025 Elected at MGGS

Firstly, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the current Head Student team; James, Freya, Caitlin, Amelia and Katie. They have been a superb team that have served the school community with passion and enthusiasm, really embodying what it is to be an MGGS student. We are extremely grateful for all they have done over the past year.

We are delighted to announce, following an extensive selection process that included a letter of application, a formal interview school, presenting at assembly and a student voice vote, that Neha D, Bella K,  Eleanor L, Izzy R and Freya W have been appointed as the team of Head Students for 2024-25.  

Congratulations to them all! We cannot wait to work constructively with the new team who all bring different and complementary skills to their role.

We also want to extend our thanks to the other students who put themselves forward for this role.  All the candidates performed very strongly.  We were really impressed by their commitment to serve and their courage, well done!

The MGGS Head Students play a central role in the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team and in the School.  The Head Students lead many significant school events and participate in most external functions.  The role of Head Student is a prestigious one, and those appointed have demonstrated that they are fully committed to the role, representing and serving the school.  Head Students are excellent role models who will relish the opportunity to work with all members of the school community, including students from all years, staff, governors, parents and carers, external agencies and visitors.  

We are now looking forward to appointing students to our other student leadership roles, including House Leaders and Subject Prefects. These will be announced in the coming months.

Maidstone Grammar School for Girls is proud to have a long history of Student Leadership in the Sixth Form.  Each year all Year 12 students are given the opportunity to stand for one of the positions within the Senior Student Leadership Team, as Head Student, House Leader, Subject Prefect or Student Rep.  The Sixth Form Management Team are impressed by the quality of applications and the mature and committed way students approach each stage.  Once appointed to these roles, students serve their fellow students and the school for a year, putting into action our motto, non sibi sed omnibus, “not for oneself but for all”.  Each role encompasses different responsibilities, but together they provide vital support for the MGGS community while acting as outstanding ambassadors for the School and role models for their peers.  

We are extremely proud of our Student Leaders and the hard work that they do.