Lego for Education Workshop

We were delighted to welcome Vitalize IT to MGGS on 7th November to deliver their exciting Lego for Education workshop for primary teachers and students. 

Teachers and students from Egerton Primary, St Francis Catholic Primary and Delce Academy were introduced to the Lego Spike Essentials kits and tasked with a range of age-specific activities to develop their understanding of how LEGO can be integrated into lessons. The MGGS Computing Club joined in with the fun too.

During the session, teachers and students built their own ‘Big Little Helper’ robots and learned how to programme them using block code. The final task saw the guests working in pairs to navigate their robots through a course to reach the Lego house at the end.

Vitalize will be back at MGGS to deliver a second workshop for KS3 and secondary schools on 30th November. Schools are welcome to bring up to two teachers (or support staff) and two students to experience the wonders of LEGO in the classroom. (Teachers are also welcome to attend without students if preferred). For more information and to reserve your space, click on the link below.