MGGS GCSE Results Day 2023

MGGS GCSE results day“The ambition for pupils at Maidstone Girls Grammar School (MGGS) is limitless.”  Ofsted 2023

This year Maidstone Grammar School for Girls is pleased to report GCSE results that re-enforce Ofsted’s quote, “The ambition for pupils at Maidstone Girls Grammar School (MGGS) is limitless.”  

We are very proud of all the achievements of our talented students, especially their outstanding GCSE results. Well Done!  Congratulations go to all our students, and particular mentions go to the following students:

Soraya Charlton, Katie Hilder, Olivia Kilbey, Lois Phillips and Jessica Rivers.

Miss Stanley, Headteacher said, “Summer 2023 has seen our Year 11 students achieve some fantastic results, which is a result of their hard work and resilience especially over the last two years.  Our Year 11 students have demonstrated their commitment to their education at MGGS.  I am so pleased for each and every student’s personal achievement and delighted with the overall achievement of the year group.”

We are very proud of all of their individual achievements and look forward to the next stage of their education at MGGS Sixth Form.