RISE Day 2 – Focusing on Wellbeing!

Tuesday’s RISE day was another action packed and exciting day for all involved at MGGS!

Firstly, Year 7 spent the day exploring issues related to friendship, positive relationships as well as bullying. Whilst, Year 8 spent the day looking at strategies related to wellbeing including dealing with exam related pressure! 

Crucially, Year 8 had time to put wellbeing strategies into practice with a relaxing yoga session led by a yoga instructor! The students participated in yoga but also tapped into their zen energy through journaling and making a mandala! 

Year 9 had a focus on personal safety and living in the wider world. As part of this, students from Year 9 got hands on with a self defence lesson from a real martial arts expert! They also got to hear from a group called ‘Maths4Girls’ who came in to talk about maths and STEM related careers. The group’s aim is to promote women and girls working in STEM related fields and industries!

Year 10 and 11 had a day focusing on both exam preparation and sessions focused on living in the wider world. Year 11 had a particularly exciting wellbeing session centred around playing board games – definitely some future surgeons if their performance playing operation is anything to go by!

Sixth Formers had also had a great day! Year 12 spent the day exploring issues related to animal welfare. They  heard from numerous external speakers, each with very different points of view. In addition, Year 13 looked at a range of issues such as road safety and what it means to be an active bystander. Finally, Year 13 also got some time to speak to past alumni about career pathways.