RISING to the Beat: An Inspiring Afternoon with Paul Cree – Unleashing the Poet in Us!

In the afternoon on RISE day we went to the hall to listen to Paul Cree, a rapper and poem-writer. He told us about his past experiences through his poems, and we even got to create some of our own about what happened on the way to school that day. In the session, we learnt that poetry doesn’t need to be something in stanzas that rhyme, but it can be something melodical that comes through the heart. It was very enjoyable and I’d definitely do it again.



My Way To School By Paul Cree with contributions from 8A, 8C & 8F

On my way to school 

I saw a man in a suit

Riding a rusty bike

Holding up the traffic

Looking back and forth

Like a meerkat alert to danger.

On my way to school 

Someone was stood at the bus stop

Dancing with no shoes.

On My Way To School By Paul Cree with contributions from 8G, 8N, & 8S

On my way to school 

I dropped my keys outside my house

With the world watching me.

Ordering a Marvellous Maccies McFlurry With a hash brown on the side.

Only 9 minutes ‘till the train,

2 minutes to get to school.

And they made us wait!

I had to run from the ticket inspector on the train,

Red light halting the train.

Pressure building inside

Like a steaming kettle about to boil.

Get to school and the year 7’s are blocking my way,

On the pavements, in the corridors

Making me late.

Rushing to the classroom I trip on my shoelace.

If I’m late I’ll get a detention!