Voices of the Holocaust Theatre Company Visit MGGS

Some of our GCSE and A level Drama and History students had the privilege of watching an incredibly powerful play by Voices of the Holocaust on Tuesday November 7th. 

A number of the Drama students started the day by taking part in workshops with Artistic Director Cate Hollis. They explored techniques used by the company and how individual survivors’ testimonies could be communicated to an audience in a sensitive way, but at the same time not downplay the horror of what they saw and experienced. Drama and History students then came together to watch the performance and take part in a Q&A session with the company.

 “Kindness: A Legacy of the Holocaust is a groundbreaking  verbatim Holocaust play about survivor Susan Pollack OBE commissioned by Voices of the Holocaust. Susan Pollack OBE is a Hungarian Holocaust survivor who at the age of 15 was sent to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. After the war she found out that more than 50 of her relatives had been killed and that only her brother had survived.  At 91 she retired from over 30 years of testifying in schools across the UK and has entrusted the theatre company Voices of the Holocaust, to tell her story on her behalf. in this play we tell her story layered with stunning complementary narratives and woven with historically accurate Holocaust history.” – Voices of the Holocaust 

The extremely moving and insightful performance by all of the actors will ensure that our students remember Susan’s story of hope and survival for a long time to come.