World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

There will be whole school literacy activities being run on the day:

  • Form time: ‘Caught You Reading’ video. We are looking for 8 volunteers to be filmed reading a book of your choice. Doesn’t matter which department you belong to, support or teaching staff. And the book can be a serious recommendation or a part of a comedy sketch (think: ads and trailers style!) Email me if interested.
  • Students can enter into the raffle draw in our ‘Caught You Reading’ competition by being witnessed reading on the day. English staff and prefects will be patrolling the school and handing out raffle tickets to all those diligently reading!
  • Additionally, students can complete the ‘Guess the Teacher’ sheet and hand these into form tutors during PM reg
  • Lesson starter activity – teachers will take 5 minutes to read one section from the short story ‘The Lottery’ at the beginning of eachlesson.  This has been divided into 5 sections so students will listen to one part each period.  For Sixth Formers a link will be posted to their year group classrooms so they can read this during silent study if necessary.
  • World Book Day dress up will apply to all of Year 7 and 8, and will be optional for teachers.

Thank you in advance for supporting literacy and World Book Day 2024!