Year 8 Residential to the Loire Valley…. in pictures and students’ words!

My favourite parts of the trip were, the theme park because all the rides were really fun and different from what I’ve been on before and the patisserie because we got to try lots of different chocolates and the very delicious pastries and hot chocolate.  I also really enjoyed going around the 2 castles because they were beautiful and the tablets/information was really interesting and the history was very unique. We were really tired after doing so much on the trip but everyone really enjoyed going and it was an amazing experience. Alice 8S

I loved the trip to Loire Valley! I especially enjoyed going to the futuroscope park and spending the day there, the rides and VR experiences were so thrilling and unique.I also really had fun going bowling even though I wasn’t the best at it I loved spending time with my friends….It was definitely hard and challenging to speak French in front of native French people when I’m not especially fluent in this language, but I gave it a try anyway and this really helped me improve my speaking and confidence… Heidi 8F

The theme park was amazing and I hoped we could’ve stayed there for another week or so! I loved the food, in particular, the apple compote was quite popular because everyone wanted more than 1! One of my favourite rides in the theme park was the 4D films, it didn’t feel real whatsoever!… In the evening we went bowling and it was really fun and we enjoyed it! That was one of my favourite bits of the day that we did… It was really sad having to go back home as we wished we were there for longer! Zara 8A