Year 8: Unleashing Talents, Embracing Growth

Year 8 End of Term Update

What a busy few terms it has been Year 8!  Your resilience, commitment to your learning and the MGGS community has really shined through this year.  It’s been a busy time; the external speakers and yoga instructor delivering the Rise day workshops have been very impressed with your insightful ideas and enthusiasm.  There have been so many other wider school activities over the past few months (House Arts and RAG week but to mention two) and it has been fantastic to see you participating in these and generally making the most of MGGS life.  I wish you all a safe and fabulously festive holiday and as the New Year approaches, encourage you all to look back on your year and take a moment to appreciate every little good experience you have had, of which I am sure we can all find many.  Happy holidays, Year 8 and we look forward to seeing you again in 2024.  

Miss Raja, HOS Year 8