Careers Update

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Future Fridays
We are back and I am happy to report I have enrolled my Year 7 Careers Ambassadors  to support with Future Fridays. So far, they have been fantastic! Thank you to Zara 7A and Aisha 7G for helping.
Last week the students voted to hear more about being an Actor: 

An Actor
Annual Salary-variable. Average salary recorded in 2019 was £30,378
Future Employment – Growth of 0.7 % by 2027
Current Working Situation – South East has 8,832  jobs second to London that has 15,029


Careers Resources
Outside the Careers office in B202 there are lots of resources for students to take advantage of including prospectuses, books on interview skills, CV writing, specific career information etc. It would be wonderful if students came up to browse these just as they would the library. Students can also speak to me at any time, I have an open door policy when I am in my office and I welcome any career related discussions.

Careers Resources